Book-loving, tea-drinking, chimpanzee…
This piece was one of the first works I did for the Endangered & Extinct series. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed chimpanzees as endangered for the first time in 1996 after studies predicted a 50% reduction in the global population between 1975 and 2050.
The Jane Goodall Foundation estimates there are between 172,000 and 300,000 chimpanzees left in the wild, a far cry from the one million that existed at the turn of the century. Poaching and habitat loss due to illegal logging, development, human conflict, and mining continue to plague wild chimpanzees in their native habitats across Central and West Africa. These issues lead to other indirect threats, such as diseases due to increased contact with humans.
Between 170,000 and 300,000 individuals are estimated to exist in the wild.
Painting by Alexandra Hall measures 48"x48"x2".
This is an original acrylic painting on gallery-wrapped canvas.
Creating anthropomorphic characters is a big part of how I exercise my imagination. As a child my mother regularly took me and my siblings to the local zoo. This exposure to a wide variety of animals had a large impact on my daydreams. As an adult I found that I coped with the stress of life by doodling caricatures of my teachers or professors, often making them into animals. This has carried over into my paintings, and is a strong theme throughout my work.
Copyright does not transfer with purchase.
Artist owns rights to reproductions and image.'EVOLUTION' ©2019, Alexandra Hall, All Rights Reserved.
EVOLUTION, Original Painting on Canvas (48" x 48" x 2")
"In my pieces I try to bring some whimsy into the mundane. It is my hope that I force my audience to exercise their imagination, that my works inspire conversation and that they evoke joy."
-Alexandra Hall